commander n. 1.指挥者;【军事】指挥官,司令官。 2.【海军】中校,副舰长。 3.木槌。 the supreme commander最高统帅。 the C- of the Faithful 大教长〔Sultan 或 Caliph 的称号〕。 the commander of the point 侦察组组长。
military adj. 1.(opp. civil) 军人的,军队的。 2.陆军的。 3.军事的,军用的。 4.好战的,战斗性的。 5.〔军俚〕不好的,讨厌的。 a military academy [institute, school] 陆军军官学校;军事学院。 a military adviser 军事顾问。 a military aeronautical school 军事航空学校。 a military aeroplane 军用机。 military affairs 军事,军务。 military age 兵役年龄。 military arts 军事艺术。 a military band 军乐队。 military circles 军界。 a military commentator 军事评论家。 a military correspondent 随军记者。 military courtesy 陆军礼节,军礼。 military discipline 军纪。 military drill 军事训练。 military expenditures [expenses] 军费。 military fever 伤寒症。 military history 战史。 a military hospital 陆军医院。 military intelligence 军事情报;军事情报工作[部门]。 military law 军法。 a military man 军人。 military operation 作战;军事行动。 military organization 军制,陆军编制。 military pits 散兵坑。 the military police 宪兵(队)。 military prestige 武威。 military regulations 军事法规。 a military review 阅兵式。 military science 军事科学。 military secrets 军事机密。 military service 兵役。 military merits 军功,武功。 military stores 军需品。 the military top (兵舰的)战斗桅楼。 military training 军事训练。 n. 〔集合词〕军队;军人;〔the military〕军方。 call in the military 借军队的力量。 military-industrial complex 军工联合体〔军事权力机构与军事物资工业的联合,被认为是操纵美国经济与对外路线的强大势力集团〕。 adv. -tarily 在军事上,从军事角度。
For a military commander , winning or losing a battle is a common occurrence . 胜败乃兵家常事。
When he was pressed to the wall, his romantic streak surfaced and he would see himself as a beleaguered military commander in the tradition of patton . 当他被逼得走投无路时,他略带浪漫色彩的气质就会表现出来,他就会把自己看作是一位象巴顿将军那样遭到围困的军事指挥官。
A military commander must be classically educated .一个军事指挥官必须受过正规传统的教育
. . . a military commander must be classically educated . . . . .一个军事指挥官必须受过正规传统的教育. .
He stationed military commanders in all the fortified cities in judah 又在犹大各坚固城内设立勇敢的军长。
The military commander of the kingdom of westphalia , formerly known as 现担任前称黑森现称威斯特法利亚王国
The military commander of the kingdom of westphalia , formerly known as . . 现担任前称黑森现称威斯特法利亚王国. .
Admiral fallon is the top u . s . military commander in the pacific ocean 法伦上将是太平洋美军司令部的最高指挥官。
The military commander of the kingdom of westphalia , formerly known as . . 现担任前称黑森现称威斯特法利亚王国. .
President bush said american military commanders believe his plan can work 布什总统说美国军队指挥官们相信他的计划会奏效的。